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    The Crater Good on Front Page Discussion
    The Crater Good on Front Page Discussion

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      #1 Zo 1,160
      #2 The Crater Good 319
      #3 Bodybagger 282



    Best Bang For Buck Headphones 2020


    Boltune…never heard of them. Well, they make fantastic Bluetooth headphones that have flaming reviews on Amazon. Save yourself some time from searching the internet for decent headphones and pick these up


    • Inexpensive
    • Fold Up
    • Come With A Case
    • Can Be Used Wired Or Wireless
    • Long Battery Life (30h)
    • Comfortable
    • Noise Cancelling (With Toggle)
    • 30-month Warranty
    • Built-in Microphone (noise canceling)


    • Lightweight
    • Fragile
    • Can’t Use Headset Volume Control Button When Wired


    I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend +$200 for decent headphones. I also don’t care for established brands that intentionally inflate their prices so you can feel like you are part of a gentlemen’s club (1 John 2:16). 

    I usually get closed-back headphones to reduce outside noise; however, these Boltune headphones use AMS as3435 noise-cancelling technology that does that job rather well. 

    I wanted to transition away from wired headphones as the extended chords would eventually snag on things and then break. I spent the better part of 2 afternoons reading reviews and searching the internet for the best price and performance wireless headphones

    I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with Boltune’s headphones and felt that the time investment has paid off. I am chuffed with these headphones and found it hard to think of cons in the above list. 

    The price point means that they are not made of titanium; however, with a 30-month warranty and an accompanying hardcover case, with proper care, these headphones will stand the test of time. 

    They utilise the latest Bluetooth standard 5.0 and come with a built-in mic that also has noise-cancelling technology. 

    There is an accompanying auxiliary cable so you can use the headphones in a wired capacity. There are buttons to skip songs, control the volume and enable or disable noise cancelling. The volume control and song skip buttons do not function when plugged in as they are only a Bluetooth feature. 

    Closing Thoughts 

    We are to be good stewards of the things God has entrusted to us. I can, with a clear conscience, recommend these as the best bang for buck headphones on the market right now. 

    > TheoNerds gets a kickback when purchases are made from our links. Thanks for helping us out!


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    The Hunter. Having played too much World of Warcraft, Zo developed skills in tracking, hunting and trapping. Now seeking to redeem the time, Zo uses these skills to find nerdy stuff for you to enjoy. Has a fondness for coffee, presuppositional apologetics and drum & bass.


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