

    With a desire to find a space for all things God, Geeks and Gamers built on a decent theological foundation, a group of theology nerds created TheoNerds. If you are sick of social media algorithms spoon-feeding you content so that you are constantly checking your news feed for something valuable in the geek/nerd space, then your frustrations end here. We seek to encourage and equip the saints to spread the Gospel in the nerdisphere and address pop culture from an unashamedly Bible-centred Christian worldview.

    Statement of Faith

    The Bible is the very Word of God, is inerrant in its original autographs, and is fully and totally and uniquely reliable as the primary guide to all actions and commitments. The scriptures can be understood and are therefore worthy of study. Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, became man to pay for the debt of sin for his people, was crucified, buried, and bodily resurrected, is presently seated on His Father’s Throne in heaven, and will soon return to establish His Kingdom on the Planet Earth. The Holy Spirit is uniquely active in pursuing His mission in calling, equipping, and empowering believers, and is essential for any and all of the pursuits to be fruitful and effective. Faith alone in the work of Jesus Christ alone by the grace of God alone are all necessary components of salvation which produce glory to God alone.


    1. Conservative Evangelical Theology
    2. The Perspicuity Of The Scriptures
    3. The Trinity
    4. Reformed Soteriology
    5. The Hypostatic Union
    6. Eternal Conscious Torment


    1. Liberal Theology in all its forms; this includes incorporating evolution or egalitarianism into the scriptures.
    2. Mysticism & Post-Modernism
    3. Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Islam, Bahai and other non-trinitarian worldviews.
    4. Roman Catholicism, Open-Theism, Synergism, General Atonement, The Seeker-Sensitive Movement.
    5. Gnosticism
    6. Annihilation




    TheoNerds is a company of diverse Christians from all over the world that write about geek and nerd culture. We are committed to uniting on the foundational doctrines of Christianity that are necessary for salvation; however, we may express different views on secondary doctrines.

    The views expressed in articles written at TheoNerds are those of the authors’ themselves and do not represent the whole of our contributors.

    Authors will seek to make the reader aware when they are expressing their personal views; however, this might not always be the case.

    We will seek to justify our assertions with primary sources where possible.

    Our sources may include works or groups that are antithetical to Christianity and should be understood within the context in which they are referenced.

    We deny affirming or condoning such materials from linked sources that may be inaccurate or immoral.

    Statement of Integrity

    We are Christians and are therefore bound by the Word and conscience always to conduct ourselves in fear. 

    We will often promote or recommend third-party products or services on TheoNerds that we sincerely believe will bring value to you and your family.

    We commit never to mislead or flatter the qualities of a product or service.

    We will always disclose if payment was received to review a product or service.

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