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      #1 Zo 1,166
      #2 The Crater Good 322
      #3 Bodybagger 282



    A Short Animation To Watch With The Family This Christmas

    As many Christians around the world spend this coming time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and His meek incarnation, Christopher Powers of Full of Eyes has been at work on his new animated music video: What Child Is This?  

    This beautiful, stained glass-inspired production is the perfect Christmas morning animation and is a creative rendition of the hymn “What Child Is This?”. Christopher adds: 

    “I wrote the new lyrics for this piece back in early 2019 while I was on my prayer and planning retreat. I connected Caitelen (see more of her work here) about putting them to music that Spring and we eventually decided that Christmas 2020 would work best.” 

    The Take-Away 

    Apart from being a touching piece of art, it can be used further to explain the significance of Christ’s first advent:  

    “As far as the thinking behind the imagery in the animation–it mostly draws on Isaiah 25:6-9. In that passage, Isaiah envisions the day of YHWH’s eschatological salvation of His people as a great feast prepared by the Lord on the mountain of Zion (Is. 25:6). On the day of the feast–which implies table fellowship between man and man, and God and humanity–on the day of the feast, God’s people will be satisfied with true food and drink (Is. 55:1-3) while God Himself will swallow up their death forever (Is. 25:7-8). And it will be precisely in this swallowing up of death that YHWH will make Himself definitively known to all people (Is. 25:9).” 


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    The Hunter. Having played too much World of Warcraft, Zo developed skills in tracking, hunting and trapping. Now seeking to redeem the time, Zo uses these skills to find nerdy stuff for you to enjoy. Has a fondness for coffee, presuppositional apologetics and drum & bass.


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