Paul Washer reflects on the works of some of his favourite Theologians while giving practical advice to help Christians ‘Look Unto Jesus’.
There is a good reminder here to set our affections on Christ and not be distracted by the things of this world. Geek culture can become all-consuming, and nerds always want to stay on top of what is happening in the areas of tech and game development. However, we as Christians must reflect upon our hobbies and subjugate them to the authority of Christ and humble ourselves to His supremacy in all things.
At TheoNerds we always want to push sound theology before the nerdy things. That’s why ‘Theo’ proceeds ‘Nerds’ in our name. We want to be gospel-focused with a geek influence; not geek-focused with a gospel influence.
Enjoy this free lecture series by Paul Washer and always remember to make Christ known while Looking Unto Jesus.