Daniel 9:2 states 70 years of the desolation of JERUSALEM before restoration. 1967 Jerusalem is captured by the state of Israel. 70 years after 1967 gets you to 2037. -7 years of tribulation = 2030 2030 the start of the… Read more »
That’s kind of where my thoughts have been for quite a while. Except it’s 3.5 years of great tribulation. 3.5 years of “peace”
so expect to see a peace treaty about Jerusalem in the year 2030.
Comment XP: 1166
1 year ago
Ex-CIA operative talks about how the agency is really the global enforcement arm of 21-100 elite families of US economic oligarchs
Last edited 1 year ago by Zo
The Crater Good(@the-crater-good)
Comment XP: 322
1 year ago
Both the movie and the movement behind it are inspired by the (Gnostic) Gospel of Thomas…enough said…
If only this was real XD
This is real though 😂
I laughed so hard, I was almost in tears XD
Daniel 9:2 states 70 years of the desolation of JERUSALEM before restoration. 1967 Jerusalem is captured by the state of Israel. 70 years after 1967 gets you to 2037. -7 years of tribulation = 2030 2030 the start of the… Read more »
That’s kind of where my thoughts have been for quite a while. Except it’s 3.5 years of great tribulation. 3.5 years of “peace”
so expect to see a peace treaty about Jerusalem in the year 2030.
Ex-CIA operative talks about how the agency is really the global enforcement arm of 21-100 elite families of US economic oligarchs
Both the movie and the movement behind it are inspired by the (Gnostic) Gospel of Thomas…enough said…
This dude’s content has got a lot better – glad to see him do something original instead of farming clicks through hyper-sensational nonsense
As a heads up, while the video ends on a philosophical tangent, practically as a non-sequitur, the rest is pretty astonishing.