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When you encounter God’s Grace for the first time:
Interview with CEO of The pFaith™ 👀 (double tap the video to make it full screen) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Eeih7gLUAGWz/
Saw this recently. Now that’s real reporting right there!
ya lol, Revel News is about one of the only news sites I trust
You up for a TheoQuest?
I love this! Also the whole feel TheoNerds is getting with the hangout.
Is one of the options like?
Don’t you mean Dysentery? 😆
person of interest quip. good one
What I’m currently listening to: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.17c9bf98bf972ed22aa0c3cab3396a4d?rik=jBMqZt6nugTBLQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Ed, Edd n Eddy?
Uncooked food stuffs… I don’t know… couldn’t think of anything else to say lol
btw if you link .gif files from giphy.com it will automatically embed here 👇
Bodybagger My pronouns are: “He that pisseth against the wall” / “Him that pisseth against the wall”
If forced to show mine they are “I” / “me” So when you refer to me make sure you say “I said” instead of “He said” and “I’m annoying” instead of “He’s annoying” etc. Should make for a fun legal… Read more »
Love this song by a cool Messianic Jewish group. Enjoy!
This song is what happens when Israel and Africa have a baby, move to the hood and then settle in the suburb:
Shadow Fox do you have any songs you are listening to right now?
When you encounter God’s Grace for the first time:

Interview with CEO of The pFaith™ 👀 (double tap the video to make it full screen)
Saw this recently. Now that’s real reporting right there!
ya lol, Revel News is about one of the only news sites I trust
You up for a TheoQuest?

I love this! Also the whole feel TheoNerds is getting with the hangout.
Is one of the options like?

Don’t you mean Dysentery? 😆
person of interest quip. good one
What I’m currently listening to: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.17c9bf98bf972ed22aa0c3cab3396a4d?rik=jBMqZt6nugTBLQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Ed, Edd n Eddy?
Uncooked food stuffs… I don’t know… couldn’t think of anything else to say lol
btw if you link .gif files from giphy.com it will automatically embed here 👇

If forced to show mine they are “I” / “me” So when you refer to me make sure you say “I said” instead of “He said” and “I’m annoying” instead of “He’s annoying” etc. Should make for a fun legal… Read more »
Love this song by a cool Messianic Jewish group. Enjoy!
This song is what happens when Israel and Africa have a baby, move to the hood and then settle in the suburb: